Základní umělecká škola

Fryderyka Chopina Mariánské Lázně

Rozmarýnek - prezence

Fryderyk Chopin´s Arts School has a big significance for the cultural life of Mariánské Lázně. In 1926, a year of it`s foundation, had this Music School 50 students. Post-war period began at the Town Music Academy with 130 students. 20 year later the number of students increase to over 500. At that time teachers began doing an extraordinary work. Orchestras and ensembles were founded and their work which is still in progress, overreach its place of origin and is positively appreciated not only by public audience, but by experts as well. Every year more than 270 actions are held by Fryderyk Chopin`s Arts School and orchestras make 10-15 concert journeys abroad thanks to spas surroundings and it`s foreign guests. In the presence 20 orchestras, ensembles and groups are working, consisted of 300 students. Those in public concerting groups are guarantee of interest of parents and children in study at this school, which is attended by 950 students. All branches-music, dance and art lessons - have importance for a successful activity of this school. If there are successful ensembles, there are not missing successful soloists. The evidence is a fact that many students annually began to study at conservatory or another art schools, win important prizes and some of them have a possibility to play as a soloist with professional orchestra / West Bohemian symphonic orchestra Mariánské Lázně

Junior Dixieland

Let me introduce   The Junior Dixieland of  Music School in Marianske Lazne which is directed by Bedrich Smrcka.
This ensemble is known not only in our region.It took part in several jazz festivals in our country (e.g.Cheb,Loket nad Ohri)and abroad as well-e.g.The Festival of European Union in Germany(Leipzig),the competition of talents in Berlin,music festival
The International Music Festival in Purmerend in Holland,Germany (Tangerhute,Wangen) and in International Jazz festival in France(Monségur).
In 2004 the Junior Dixieland recorded its first CD,got the highest position in the all republic competition. In 2006 Junior Dixieland was on three weeks tour in Australia. This tour was concluded by six concerts on a Jazz Festival in Wagga Wagga.In  2007  performed one week in Hamburg. In August 2008 visited USA, Chicago, and realized six concerts there.

The ensemble consists of ten members who are from 10 to 18 years old.Some of them alternate during longer performances.
The musical instruments played are: clarinet or saxophone, two tumpets, trombone, banjo,
suzaphone,violinophone, drums, vocal.

Currently the ensemble presents three different programmes:

1)Profile of the jazz evolution from 1900:regtime,boogie-woogie,traditional,arrangements of compositions of the big bands(Glen Miller),jazz rock

2)The Czech jazz music-e.g. works by J.Jezek,V.Trojan,I.Mladek etc.,arrangements of Czech folk songs

3)Classical repertoir of dixieland

This ensemble with its law average age is probably the youngest one in the Czech Republic.

Recordings »

Her eis referenceto the programme of Czech-American TV about our Junior Dixieland.  http://www.catvusa.com/index.php?file=/archive_2008/Czech_documents/Junior_Dixieland_band.wmv    

Fryderyk Chopin´s Arts School

Fryderyk Chopin´s Arts School has a big significance for the cultural life of Mariánské Lázně. In 1926, a year of it`s foundation, had this Music School 50 students. Post-war period began at the Town Music Academy with 130 students. 20 year later the number of students increase to over 500. At that time teachers began doing an extraordinary work. Orchestras and ensembles were founded and their work which is still in progress, overreach its place of origin and is positively appreciated not only by public audience, but by experts as well. Every year more than 270 actions are held by Fryderyk Chopin`s Arts School and orchestras make 10-15 concert journeys abroad thanks to spas surroundings and it`s foreign guests. In the presence 20 orchestras, ensembles and groups are working, consisted of 300 students. Those in public concerting groups are guarantee of interest of parents and children in study at this school, which is attended by 950 students. All branches-music, dance and art lessons - have importance for a successful activity of this school. If there are successful ensembles, there are not missing successful soloists. The evidence is a fact that many students annually began to study at conservatory or another art schools, win important prizes and some of them have a possibility to play as a soloist with professional orchestra / West Bohemian symphonic orchestra Mariánské Lázně

The "Rozmarýnek" Children's Folklore Ensemble

The "Rozmarýnek" Children's Folklore Ensemble

From our lovely spa town in Western Bohemia we have pleasure in introducing our children s folklore ensemble. In this ensemble there are 28 members between the ages of 8 and 15. The orchestra has 10 members and the chorus 18. This ensemble is the youngest in our school. It began in 1991 and has performed in public for several years. This particular combination of music and singing is very interesting unique. The ensemble has performed before the international public in our spa houses with great success. Its repertoire is very wide and consists of traditional and modern Czech folk songs as well as classical works and solo instrumental compositions played by very young musicians.This ensemble has participated in numerous festivals, for example in Sweden, Germany,Holland as well as in the Czech Republic.


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